Tribute Puppy


BURKE is our newest Tribute Puppy named in memory of Jalyn Erika Burke, submitted by her loving friend and classmate, Shelby Anderson. Jalyn’s best friend, without a doubt, was her mother, Amanda Northrop, a longtime supporter of the paws4prisons® program. Her love for her mother was evident to all that knew her. Jalyn loved sports and going to WVU games with her mom and friends. Jalyn’s classmates and friends remember her for her style, contagious smile, vibrant personality, willingness to help others, fun-living spirit and her faith.

She also played sports and excelled at volleyball and softball. Sadly, Jalyn passed away suddenly in February 2017 when she was a freshman at St. Marys High School in West Virginia. She was a member of the paws4prisons® club under the direction of Amanda Rubenstein, paws4prisons® DOC Mentor. She loved interacting with the dogs and learning about how the dogs help paws4people clients. Just before she passed away, she did an art project with the verse Mathew 28:20 – “I am always with you” That verse has become part of her legacy and all who knew her will forever keep her in their hearts. Jalyn loved unconditionally, and that legacy will carry on through BURKE.

BURKE is a Facility Dog at the Lionheart School with handler, Elizabeth.

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White Paw Print Blue Brush Stroke

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White Dog Bone Print Blue Brush Stroke

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