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Honor Puppy

Ranger paws4people honor puppy
White Paw with Bright Blue Background

Our next tribute puppy will be named RANGER in honor of PFC Thomas Michael Sarwark. Tommy Sarwark served with the United States Army Company F, 2nd Battallion, 19th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade. His dream was to become an Army Ranger. Sadly, his life was taken away suddenly in an automobile accident on May 4, 2012. At the time of his death he was also enrolled as a freshman at Illinois State University. Tommy was the loving son of James and Judy Sarwark. Through Heroes First Foundation, the Sarwark family has set up “Family & Friends of Tom Sarwark” memorial fund which supports paws4vets. We are honored to name RANGER in memory of Tommy and know that he will change lives, just as Tommy did.

RANGER is an Assistance Dog for paws4vets Client, SSG Jeff Crosby, USANG (ret.)

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White Paw Print Blue Brush Stroke

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White Dog Bone Print Blue Brush Stroke

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