Crisis Response Teams
paws4people Crisis Response Dogs (CRD) are trained to work with first responders such as firefighters, police officers, or EMTs.
Providing Support in Emergency Situations
paws4people’s Crisis Response Program is an animal assisted intervention focused on providing support to individuals affected by trauma and crisis. The dogs are trained to provide comfort in emergency situations both at the place of work (department, office, hospital, etc.) or at the scene of the emergency. They are trained to ride in an emergency vehicle and be transported to the scene to ease the distress of anyone affected by the trauma.
Benefits of paws4people Crisis Response Dogs
Some community benefits include using CRDs during or directly following a traumatic event to reduce stress and creating a positive external locus of attention during traumatic events.
Our Story
Novant Health’s Mobile Integrated Health team received paws4people Crisis Response Dog, COLEMAN. COLEMAN and his handler Kayla Coleman will work together to help emergency workers cope with the stress and trauma that is an inevitable part of their work.
COLEMAN will serve within the Novant EMS department as a mental health and wellness resource for first responders and healthcare professionals.
paws4people partnered with WFD and began the Crisis Response Pilot Program. Now in 2024, paws4people has placed five Crisis Response Facility Dogs within the Wilmington Fire Department.
Along with the Fire Department, Crisis Response Dogs can work at various locations within the community, some of which include schools, hospitals, Sheriff’s offices, and more.
paws4people placed a CRD named POTTER with New Hanover/Pender County District Attorney Ben David. POTTER works with victims in pre-trial preparations, attends trials with victims, and works with the staff inside the District Attorney’s office mitigating workplace stress and trauma.