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Shannon White & PORTER

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
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Shannon is an outgoing young adult who has endured many medical procedures throughout her young life! Born three months premature, Shannon suffered a brain and lung bleed at only three days old, resulting in a significant traumatic brain injury. This TBI led to her diagnosis with Cerebral Palsy. Shannon has a slowed gait, and experiences difficulty navigating stairs, uneven terrain and large crowds. However, she does not let her special abilities stop her from reaching for her goals and crushing them! Shannon would like to be able to navigate the world around her, and no longer have to rely on others to help with simple tasks, and believes that having a Service Dog will be the key to making that happen!

When Shannon started working with PORTER, an instant connection was formed! PORTER will help Shannon by retrieving items for her, pushing a button to open doors, and will brace as she walks on uneven surfaces, to help with her balance. He will also be there to pay attention, alerting Shannon when others come up behind her, helping to lessen her startle response. With PORTER’s help, Shannon will be able to achieve the independence she has been dreaming of! 

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