Nicholas Cain & SHAW

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
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On April 15, Nicholas’ service dog, sweet SHAW passed away. Our hearts are shattered & the tears will not stop. Honestly, we do not have words good enough to honor this angel in golden dog hair.
He has been Nick’s loyal best friend since 2014. He always knew how to make him laugh & when he needed it most. Every time Nick’s wheelchair brakes clicked, he jumped up & was ready to follow him anywhere. No matter how many people were around or what was going on, SHAW was focused on Nicholas. He watched him , sniffed him, listened to him & jumped up in his lap to make sure he was ok. We called him Dr SHAW, because he was so aware of all 3 of us & our well- being. He could fill several transfer trucks with all of the game controllers, remote controls, water bottles, wash cloths, wet towels, & dirty clothes that he picked up over the years!
His constant love & companionship to Nick has been such a blessing. Many friends have grown up & moved on in life, but SHAW was the one that stayed. His final goodbye to Nicholas Monday was filled with love & concern for him. As he walked up under his hand, he nuzzled it up onto his head & stared into his face as Nick rubbed him… as if to let him know he would be ok.
Our hearts will forever have a huge, warm, golden place in it.
Thank you so much to God & paws4people for the honor & privilege to love & be loved by this beautiful soul.
Please continue to keep Nicholas in your prayers.

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