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Judi Petry & TWAIN

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
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Judi is diagnosed with PTSD, after a traumatic childhood and years of abuse. She experiences migraines, frequent panic attacks, and flashbacks. Her symptoms leave her feeling alone, even when others are nearby. While Judi adheres to a strict treatment plan, and has a loving and supportive husband, she believes that having a Service Dog would allow her to gain more independence and help her on her road to healing and recovery. 

Judi bumped with TWAIN, a sweet and fun-loving Golden Retriever in March 2022. TWAIN will pay attention when out in public, to lessen Judi’s startle response, and will anchor to her rising anxiety. This will allow her to continue on with the task at hand, and give her more confidence when she leaves home. TWAIN will also help with behavior interruption. We are happy to welcome Judi and TWAIN to the paws4people family!

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