Joshua Clawson, USA Veteran & TEVO

paws4vets®️ Team

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Joshua was a Military Police Officer in the US Army. He served 5 years Active Duty, including 2 extended deployments to Iraq, and 3 years in the National Guard. While deployed, he was the lead driver of his convoy, where they encountered many IED attacks, leading to a TBI. He is diagnosed with PTSD because of his experiences. He experiences frequent panic attacks, has trouble driving, and feels disconnected from most people. He also has trouble sleeping, due to nightmares. Joshua would like to be able to focus on his young family and believes a Service Dog will be the step in that direction he needs.

In November 2021, Joshua bumped with TEVO, a smart and spirited Goldador. TEVO will help Joshua by alerting him to oncoming panic attacks and paying attention in noisy and crowded places. This will allow him to regain his confidence when he is out in public, knowing TEVO has his back! TEVO will also help Joshua with behavior interruption. We look forward to seeing these two grow together as a team!

TEVO was named by Dogtopia of Tysons Corner.

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