Jessie Breshears & GRADY

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
Dog Name:
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Jessie is a graduate of the UNCW Assistance Dogs Training Program as well as an AK9 volunteer. She is diagnosed with Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, GAD, MDD, and PTSD. Her anxiety leads to panic attacks that cause her to have seizures. While volunteering with paws4people she witnessed first-hand the life-changing effects an Assistance Dog can have on a person’s life. Jessie believes an Assistance Dog would help her regain independence and reduce the number of seizures she has. 

GRADY walked into Jessie’s life in August 2021! GRADY is a lovable and happy Golden retriever, who will help Jessie in a variety of ways! He will alert others in the home to her seizure activity, anchor her anxiety, and provide deep pressure therapy. GRADY will also retrieve items for Jessie when she is experiencing a medical episode, such as medication, a bottle of water, or a phone to call for help. We are happy to have this team as part of the paws4people family!!

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