Jennifer Keefover, Military Dependent & BENSON

paws4vets®️ Team

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 I don’t even know how to begin this. My heart is completely shattered. I had to say goodbye to the best boy I could have ever wished for. BENSON passed laying in my lap Friday, Dec 1st. It was one of the most difficult goodbyes I’ve ever experienced. 

 BENSON was my best friend, my wiggly goofball (his wiggles were legendary), my safety net for my blood sugars, and my reason for so many smiles and giggles every day.

 Words cannot express my gratitude to paws4people for placing the most wonderful dog with me 6 years ago, and to the trainers who worked with him. BENSON was a rock star. His main goal was to alert me to low blood sugars, but he was much more. He was my confidant, my late-night-in-the-kitchen dancing buddy (I’m going to miss how excited he got when I started dancing), my shopping buddy, my comfort when I was sad, and so much more. 

I miss you so much already, BENNY. I love you and will cherish the happy memories that we shared. Rest easy, sweet boy. Thank you for loving me.”

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