Halie Paylor, Military Dependent & GABLE

paws4vets®️ Team

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Pawsitive Partner


Halie is a young wife and mother, who experienced a string of traumatic events in early adulthood. These events led to her diagnosis of PTSD. Halie finds that she walks through life hypervigilant, is easily startled and she often experiences panic attacks. While she has spent many years working through the trauma, she believes that having a Service Dog will help her continue with her progress, allowing her to live a better life overall with her husband and children!

Halie met GABLE in 2024, and they soon began working together. This team is a dynamic duo that no obstacle can stop! GABLE interrupts negative behaviors, reminding Halie that he is there for her always!  GABLE also pays attention in loud and crowded places, and provides deep pressure therapy during high-stress events. With GABLE by her side, Halie is able to lead a fulfilling life, without worrying what’s around the next corner. 

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