Emma Overton & REAGAN

Facility Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
Dog Name:
Team Since:


Emma is a graduate of UNCW who completed the paws4people Assistance Dog Training Program, Puppy Development Internship, and Advanced K9 Training Program. These experiences inspired her to utilize a Facility Dog in her career as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. Within her position at Pinewood Springs in Tennessee, Emma leads recreation therapy groups for adolescent and adult behavioral health patients, helping them develop positive coping skills and identifying leisure activities they can utilize once leaving the hospital. 

REAGAN will assist Emma’s patients by encouraging them to participate in group therapy activities and will provide deep pressure therapy for patients who are feeling anxious. Due to high stress environments, REAGAN will also provide support to staff. Together, Emma and REAGAN will work together to make Pinewood Springs a pleasant rehabilitative experience for their patients. 

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