Caitlyn Hill & EVEREST

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
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“Bananas, getting brushed, playing with other dogs, family, his porcupine toy, butt scratches- These were just a few of EVEREST’s favorite things. Many memories and emotions come to mind when I think of all he was to me. The first being, EVEREST was more than a dog. Not everyone understands that, but I know this memorial will reach people who get it. He was my best friend. He was the glue that held me together for a long time. Hard times would come and his fur held my tears and his kisses wiped the tears from my face. Emergencies would arise and he was my voice when I couldn’t talk. We navigated through many chapters of life together from high school to getting married and moving four hours from home to getting a job and a home. He was there by my side every step of the way. He left a paw print on this earth and on peoples lives when he left this earth. The imprint of his paw is bigger than we would ever imagine! Two things I will never ever forget about him. The first are his eyes, they told a story. He would look at you and it’s like he was talking to you. The second thing being his personality. When I tell you that he was so silly, loving, and so human like it doesn’t even touch the surface. God knew I needed him and He blessed me with seven years of his life. I wouldn’t trade a minute of that time for anything else. I am so grateful to have been EVEREST’s human and to have known him. My words to EVEREST: Bubba, I love and miss you so much. I’m having to learn to navigate this life without you and let me tell you, it is not nearly as fun. But don’t worry your bowls are still in the same spot, your vest will be framed to commemorate you, I will keep your porcupine company, and I will always save the last bite of my bananas for you. You are forever my golden boy.”

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