Briana Henry, USMC Veteran & ROSIE

paws4vets®️ Team

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Briana served in the US Marine Corps, and is diagnosed with PTSD as a result of an incident while on Active Duty. She has frequent panic attacks, and avoids crowds and busy places because of it. She relies on her family to help with most tasks that people typically take for granted. She does not sleep much each night, and when she does, has nightmares and night terrors, keeping her from actual rest. Briana would like to learn to rely on herself again, and believes having a Service Dog will be the key to making this happen!

ROSIE is a smart, energetic Golden Retriever who will help Briana accomplish all the goals she has in life! She will anchor to her anxiety, and will pay attention in crowded places. This will give Briana the confidence to get back out into the community once again. ROSIE will also help by interrupting negative behaviors and retrieving items that are out of her reach. We are happy to have Briana and ROSIE as part of the paws4people family!

ROSIE is an Honor Puppy Named in Honor of Rosemary (Rosie) Black. 

Earned PIF


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