Bethany Tennant & GILLIGAN

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
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Bethany is diagnosed with complex PTSD, as well as depression and anxiety, after growing up in a chaotic environment. She buried how she was feeling for many years until everything came to light in college. She experiences nightmares, panic attacks and flash backs, as well as dissociative and depressive episodes that leave her struggling to complete normal everyday tasks. While Bethany has been following a treatment plan rigorously, she now realizes that some of her symptoms are not manageable on her own. Bethany believes having a Service Dog will allow her to be more present – as a wife, a mother and as a therapist – rather than living in constant fear of her own intrusive thoughts. 

GILLIGAN chose Bethany as her person in June 2022, and an instant friendship blossomed! GILLIGAN will alert Bethany to her rising anxiety, and anchor to help her mitigate her symptoms, helping her to stay present and able to focus on the task at hand. GILLIGAN will also provide deep pressure therapy and help with behavior interruption. Together, this team can conquer the world! 

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