Mark McCann & PALMER

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
Dog Name:
Team Since:


Mark first learned about paws4people through a colleague who works at UNC Wilmington. Being familiar with some of the struggles his students experience Mark immediately embarked on the endeavor of getting a Facility Dog to use in his classroom. As a student in a mandatory public speaking class he got firsthand knowledge of the physiological and psychological benefits a Facility Dog is designed to create. By choosing to speak about the essentials of owning a dog as his final presentation he was able to have his dog Ollie by his side for the entire anxiety ridden speech. The success of his presentation was evidence of the powerful positive influence a Facility can provide.
Throughout the four years of working together in the classroom setting, PALMER also served in a dually-certified role as Mark’s Service Dog to Control, Regulate, and Mitigate® his symptoms of anxiety and depression. Although she is no longer in the classroom, PALMER continues to positively impact Mark’s life daily and is looking forward to her retirement party at the end of 2024.

Earned PIF


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