John Ready, USA Veteran & MEMPHIS

paws4vets®️ Team

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“MEMPHIS was more than a Service Dog. He was more than a member of my family. He was completion. There was kindness and intelligence behind his eyes that most people in this world will never get to experience from a dog.
My first “bump” didn’t even include MEMPHIS. I met him at my first ITT in the lobby of the hotel where he immediately climbed into my lap and put his head on my shoulder. He loved to put his head on my shoulder. It was his version of a pat on my back. His was of saying that he was there and that we’d get through.
If you knew MEMPHIS, you knew the goofy, weirdo that strived to make anyone and everyone within eyesight, happy. The dog that never stopped wagging his tail (I used to joke that everything behind his ears was a tall muscle).
But, for those who didn’t know him or didn’t get to work with him every day, his work was his life. He was trying to work, even in his last moments. Working was his passion. The vest was never completely off for him.
MEMPHIS brought me back from a very dark place in this world. He brought me back to my family and he helped me to regain my place as a productive member of society.
MEMPHIS was my best friend. I can’t wait to see him again.”

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