NaSwana Moon, USARNG Veteran & BERKLEY

paws4vets®️ Team

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New Leash on Life Sponsor


NaSwana served 9 years in the Army National Guard. While on deployment to Afghanistan, the base she was stationed at was attacked. She is diagnosed with PTSD, Depression and Anxiety, and finds that even everyday tasks are now unmanageable. She has difficulty going out in public, is often hypervigilant, startles easily and experiences flashbacks and panic attacks. She often has nightmares and cannot sleep at night. NaSwana believes that an Assistance Dog would help her get a better handle on her anxiety, so she could accomplish the everyday tasks that most people take for granted.

In March of 2019, NaSwana met BERKLEY – a fun-loving and sweet Goldador. She will help NaSwana by not only being her best friend and companion, but also by anchoring to her anxiety, paying attention in crowded places, and alerting her to people approaching from behind her. This will help with NaSwana’s startle reflex, and allow her to feel more at ease in public places. Thanks to BERKLEY, NaSwana will be able to take back her life – and live in the moment with the people that matter the most!

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