Nicola Spencer & BLOSSOM

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
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Nicola is a young professional who lives in Wilmington, North Carolina. Her experience in the paws4people ADTP at UNCW, as well as her time as an alumni trainer opened her eyes to the wonderful work that Service Dogs can do to help their clients. Diagnosed with PTSD due to a traumatic family history, Nicola isolated herself and fell deeper into a dark depression. She lives in constant fear of retaliation and reoccurring events, which causes her to watch over her shoulder everywhere she goes. She also has trouble sleeping at night, due to nightmares and night terrors. Nicola says she doesn’t want to rely on medication to live a happy life, and believes that an Assistance Dog will give her the bright outlook on life that she needs to continue pushing through each day! 

When Nicola met BLOSSOM in March 2020, her smile lit up the room! She knew this was the start of something life-changing! BLOSSOM is a loyal and loveable Golden Retriever who will help Nicola by paying attention when they are out in public. This will allow Nicola to go about every day tasks without always being on alert. BLOSSOM will also wake her from nightmares, and alert others when she is in need of medical attention. We know with BLOSSOM by her side, Nicola will have a bright future, with endless possibilities! 

BLOSSOM was named by Byrton’s Home Improvement. 

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