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Shawn Dougherty, USA Veteran & CONWAY

paws4vets®️ Team

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Shawn spent 3 years active duty with the Army, however it was traumatic upbringing that led to his diagnosis of PTSD. He spent many years utilizing unhealthy coping mechanisms, and staying busy to avoid being alone with his thoughts. Recognizing that this was not helping, he decided he needed something more to help him recover and thrive. Shawn believes that having a Service Dog will help him to stay present more, pull him out of his anxious thoughts, and allow him to experience more joy – giving him a better appreciation for life! 

Shawn and CONWAY began working together as a team in February 2022. CONWAY is a bright and motivated Golden Retriever who will help Shawn by anchoring to his anxiety, and paying attention when in loud or crowded places. This will help minimize Shawn’s hypervigilance, and allow him to complete the task at hand. CONWAY will also help with behavior interruption. We can’t wait to see the wonderful things these two will do together!

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