Walter Parker, USA Veteran & JACKSON

paws4vets®️ Team

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Hello, My name is Walter. I am a Vietnam Veteran, drafted in the
Army in 1966. I was in Siagon during the Tet Offensive and later in Da Nang. I was 18 years old when I was drafted and had never been away from home nor even knew where Vietnam was on the globe. After my tour of duty, I came back home with memories I wanted to forget but couldn’t. I had flashbacks & nightmares and asked the VA for help but was denied because there was no diagnoses for PTSD at that time. Over 40 years later, I returned to the VA for help after the persistence of my wife and two other Vietnam Veterans. This time I was diagnosed with PTSD and started to receive help. In August 2010, I contracted Lyme Disease from a tick bite which resulted in the loss of my memory of my family and not knowing how to do simple tasks. I was diagnosed with Lyme Encephalopathy. After months of treatment the infection was gone but I was left with a more severe case of PTSD. My wife found paws4people Foundation and I am so happy to be a part of this family. JACKSON has changed my life. He gives me confidence to live my life and do things I haven’t done in years. He helps bring my anxiety down when I’m overwhelmed from crowds, loud noises, nightmares and anything else I’m not sure of. He has my back always! JACKSON not only helps me but he has brought a peace to my family. Their worry is less because JACKSON is always with me. JACKSON and I are working hard to help pay it forward by doing fundraisers, and speaking events. We want to spread the word and let people know how important a Service Dog can be in the life of a Veteran. I am so grateful to paws4people and paws4vets for giving me a better quality of life by allowing me to have JACKSON .

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