Laura Culp & THURM

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
Dog Name:
Team Since:


Based on traumatic childhood events, Laura has been diagnosed with C-PTSD. She has worked for the Federal Government for 19 years, but struggles every day to live life without feeling unsafe. She experiences anxiety, migraines, sleeplessness, and is hypervigilant and easily startled. While she enjoys her job, she often misses work because she cannot bring herself to leave the safety of her home. She believes an Assistance Dog will help her live a full life, without feeling paralyzed with fear, or constantly watching over her shoulder for an oncoming attack. 

In July 2020, THURM took one look at Laura, and knew that was his person! THURM is a handsome and elegant Golden Retriever who will become Laura’s new best friend, and constant companion. He will help Laura by paying attention in crowded places, anchoring to her anxiety, and alerting her to rising anxiety levels. This will help Laura regain her confidence to go about everyday life, knowing that THURM has her back. Together, there is nothing this team cannot do! 

THURM was named by Mrs. Pat Watts in Honor of her Husband, Thurm Watts.

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