Alex Free & MARLIN

paws4people®️ Team

White Paw with Bright Blue Background
Dog Name:
Team Since:


Alex is a freelance writer, marketing consultant, and survivor advocate who resides in New York. She is diagnosed with C-PTSD as a result of significant trauma beginning with being raised in an abusive home as well as surviving sexual trauma. Alex lives in a constant state of anxiety and overwhelm, finding leaving her home a debilitating and nearly impossible task. When she does venture out all she can think about is getting home safely and before night falls. She is chronically exhausted and lives in survival mode ruled by her hypervigilance, dissociation, insomnia, night terrors, and fear. Alex believes that having a Service Dog will give her the confidence she needs to re-integrate into society and help her live a fuller and more easeful life.

Alex and MARLIN began working together in 2024! MARLIN will pay attention in crowded, public places. This will allow Alex to focus on the task at hand, knowing he is watching her back! MARLIN will also interrupt negative behaviors, and provide deep pressure therapy to help Alex navigate panic attacks. This team has a bright future ahead of them! 

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