LEXINGTON became a part of our family in July of 2019. She is a breeder dog for paws4people. This means that she will have puppies that will be trained for assistance work! We were so blessed to become a part of the paws4people family in 2016 when my husband was needing something to help mitigate his PTSD. RUSHMORE was his service dog and he was truly a lifesaver for our family. A short time after RUSHMORE joined the family, we applied to be a host family for a breeder dog and that’s when we found out about LEXINGTON. She is full of energy 24/7, and to say she is entertaining is an understatement! We have 4 children that absolutely love playing with her. We look forward to watching her become a mom and seeing all the wonderful things that her puppies will accomplish! The impact that paws4people has on so many lives is amazing!
Breeder Foster


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