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Breeder Foster

Braxton paws4people breeder foster
BRAXTON & Maureen Lewis

We were introduced to paws4people in June of 2018 at a Puppy Outing at Wrightsville Beach Brewery and it has changed our lives forever.

Recently retired and wanting to utilize my skills to support non-profits in our new city, I volunteered to help with the Derby4Dogs fundraiser. Not only do I get to use my fundraising & management skills, but I made many good friends along the way. We were a puppy host family for 2 weeks.

Once we settled into our house on Pleasure Island, we were asked if we would like to be part of the ambassador breeding program. I don’t think I even took a breath before saying YES! BRAXTON came into our lives in June 2019. He has been such a joy- and does a great job truly representing paws4people with his sweet demeanor. BRAXTON loves walking through the neighborhoods and beach, taking hikes in Carolina Beach State Park & Fort Fisher and is thrilled when we take him to the local establishments where dogs are allowed. He loves to travel in the car and is especially fond of Atlanta high rise living. He’s so well mannered and shines when new friends old & young ask to pet him. We take every opportunity to share that BRAXTON is a breeder for paws4people and explain the foundation’s mission.

Start the Journey

White Paw Print Blue Brush Stroke

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Join paws4people®️ in making a long-lasting impact in our communities by helping transform lives and by providing hope for a better tomorrow.

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Get involved in volunteering with paws4people®️ events, programs, or training– your service can make a difference.

White Dog Bone Print Blue Brush Stroke

Learn More

Learn more about how paws4people®️’s specialized training program is built around the needs of individual clients and their dog.

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