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Honor Puppy

Bo paws4people honor puppy
White Paw with Bright Blue Background

We name our next Tribute Puppy BO, in memory of Maj. Emil Edward Boado, Jr., USAF. Anyone who had the good fortune of meeting Emil Edward Boado, Jr. was quickly drawn to his large and likable personality. He was a born leader, loved by many, admired and respected by all. He excelled in academics and athletics and was planning to coach football with the Air Force Academy. Emil, who left behind a wife and two daughters, is remembered for his ability to lead and entertain those around him with music and laughter, but also for sacrificing his own needs to help those less fortunate. As his daughter Lisa remembers, “My dad, one time, gave away our car because someone else needed it more than we did”. She added, “To us, he was the real Santa Claus”. The dogs in the paws4vets program epitomize how Major Boado lived his life: service to others first, in hopes that those in need will have a better life. We are honored to remember Maj. Emil Edward Boado, Jr. through the life and service of BO.

BO is an Assistance Dog for paws4vets Client, Michael Scott, USA Veteran.

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White Paw Print Blue Brush Stroke

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White Dog Bone Print Blue Brush Stroke

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