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Bob Brown, USA Veteran & AMY

paws4vets®️ Team

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Bob came to us from another organization seeking further training for his dog and paws4people certification. Bob was in the U.S. Army infantry in the Vietnam conflict. He spent two tours as a Tunnel Rat, and was wounded twice. He experiences significant problems related to his PTS. Bob experienced several traumatic events related to his military service. While serving in the military he lost friends. After 20 plus years Bob still finds it difficult to leave his home. His symptoms make it difficult to actively engage in family events or enjoy daily activities. Bob and AMY got together in November 2012.

Bob was able to learn how to utilize AMY during the paws4vets Intervention Transfer Training sessions. This helped him learn how to read AMY and use her to mitigate his severe anxiety and isolation. AMY is specifically trained to alert Bob to flashbacks, ground him during anxiety attacks, and wake him during nightmares.

Earned PIF

Awarded PIF


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